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→星探 (shockwave)
1. Click on the blocks
2. Click like a madman on the white background
3. Turn the lever
4. Click on the white quarter cirkels
5. Image 5
6. Click on the flowers
7. Move your mouse over the glass-splinters
8. Click on the pieces which dont fit the star to make a star. Image 8:
9. Shoot the right star piece to the left starpiece. Image:
10. Move your mouse over the small cirkels. Image:
11. Click gently under the small star piece.
12. Click on the small circle, and try to avoid the stars floating around.
13. Drag the twirlie thing upwards.
14. Click on the small dotted line, this works as a radar. Click on the apearing bublbles to complete the star.
15. Touch all the triangles.
16. Through the circles in the air a few times.
17. Drag the upper left corner.
18. Click on the moving circles when they are in this order:
19. Move your mouse over the background untill a star forms.
20. Move the blocks untill a star forms.
21. Click here a few times:
22. Keep pressure on your mousebutton.
23. Twirl your mouse counterclockwise around the faint dots.
24. Attach the end of the baloons to the small square below.
25. Click at the right time when the pieces allign.
26. Its in her panties! :O
27. Keep pressure on your left mouse button and it will appear.
28. Click 2 times on the right dot, 9 times on the dot to the left, 12 times on the other dot left, 6 times on another left dot, and 8 dots on the final dot untill a star appears.
29. See the image how to attach the small dots:
30. Type: I will find a star very quickly over and over again.
31. Move your mouse rapidly over the big black cirkle. (you will see the meter go further and further)
32. Drag the right side up.
33. Hold your mouse button and slice it like a sword.
34. Click the arrows to make this image:
35. Turn the light 30 seconds on, then turn it off
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「Yome」からudoso さんへの新しいメッセージが一件あります
2018/03/29 10:13 PM
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2 件のコメントがあります。
>5. Image 5